Let's show the work of our scientists!

About the initiative

Women's participation in science has been an increasingly discussed topic around the world. With the International Day of Women and Girls in Science approaching, SciencePub, in partnership with other scicomm projects from Brazil, is promoting a campaign on social networks to publicize the work of our scientists!

If you are woman and a scientist, science publicist or educator, participate in the campaign by sending a short video about your work. We want to know you and know about the research that you develop!

  • Record a short video (up to two minutes) talking about yourself, your background and your work as a scientist.
  • We recommend that you record your video with your smartphone vertically.
  • The videos will be published on the social networks of SciencePub and partner projects.
I want to participate!

Why participate ?

Some reasons to talk about what you do!

Science needs to be spread

Publicizing your work as a scientist makes the difference!

Inspire more girls to science!

How about inspiring new generations of girl's to science?

Make science more accessible

Communicating science is important for broadening public perception of science and scientists.


Know the parteners that are helping us in this initiative.